Estudio Comparativo de los Resultados del Tratamiento del Carcinoma Anal Escamoso en los Pacientes HIV Positivos y Negativos

Trabajo Premio Dr. Roberto Garriz

  • Sofía Cipollone Fellow de Coloproctología. Sector Coloproctología, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández.
  • Rita L. O. Pastore Jefa de Unidad Internación Cirugía. Sector Coloproctología, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández.
  • Laura Svidler López Jefa de Unidad Internación Cirugía. Sector Coloproctología, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández.
  • Gabriela L. Sidra Médica de planta, Sector Coloproctología. Sector Coloproctología, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández.
  • Natalia Di Primio Ex Fellow de Coloproctología. Sector Coloproctología, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández.
  • Miguel Cordero Muñoz Ex Fellow de Coloproctología. Sector Coloproctología, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández.
  • Deysi López Aquino Fellow de Coloproctología. Sector Coloproctología, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández.
Keywords: Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, HIV-Positive, Chemoradiation Treatment, Abdominal-Perineal Resection, Recurrence, Survival


Introduction: The treatment of anal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in HIV-positive patients is controversial. Although current guidelines recommend performing standard concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients with good immune status, some authors believe that these patients have greater toxicity and worse long-term results, so they would require a different approach. The purpose of this study was to compare the results of SCC treatment in HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients.
DESIGN: Comparative retrospective study.
Patients and methods: The records of patients treated in the Coloproctology Section, Hospital Fernández, between 01/2007 and 10/2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Those of the anal canal were divided into: Group I: HIV-negative and Group II: HIV-positive. Demographic variables, specific risk factors, staging, CRT (drugs, toxicity, and response), curative/palliative surgical treatment, persistence/recurrence, and cancer-specific and global survival were compared.
Results: 28 patients (18 women), margin: 2, conduit: 26 (Group I: 15. Group II: 11). The HIV-positive were mostly men who have sex with men (vs. 100% HIV-negative women; p<0.01), younger (45.2 ± 0.9 vs. 63.6 ± 8; p<0.01) and smokers (82% vs. 27%; p=0.005). There was no significant difference in staging, although Group II had tumors with more severe complications.
Completed the treatment: Group I: 93%, Group II: 64% of patients (p<0,05). Thirteen out of 14 (93%) patients in Group I, and 3/7 (43%) patients in Group II had a complete response to CRT (p<0.01). There were 3 recurrences, 2 loco-regional and 1 distance (p=NS). HIV-positive required more surgery (82% vs. 27%; p<0.01). 5 patients (4 of Group II) underwent an abdominal-perineal resection (APR). Forty six percent of patients had permanent colostomy, with or without APR, most of them were HIV-positive (82% vs. 27%; p=0.002). In HIV-positive patients, the RR of cancer mortality was 4 (95% CI: 1.01-16.5; p=0.02) and the RR of overall mortality was 5.45 (95% CI: 1.42-20, 8; p=0.002). They also had lower overall (p=0.001) and disease-free survival (p=0.01). Median follow-up: 27 months (4 - 216).
Conclusion: HIV-positive patients with anal SCC were different from HIV-negative patients in that they had a lower complete response rate to CRT, and a greater need for surgical treatment. They had a significantly lower overall and disease-free survival than HIV-negative patients.

How to Cite
Cipollone, S., L. O. Pastore, R., Svidler López, L., L. Sidra, G., Di Primio, N., Cordero Muñoz, M., & López Aquino, D. (2020). Estudio Comparativo de los Resultados del Tratamiento del Carcinoma Anal Escamoso en los Pacientes HIV Positivos y Negativos. Revista Argentina De Coloproctología, 31(01), 21-27. Retrieved from