Intususcepción ileocolorrectal. Un caso inusual.

  • German Ernesto Cabrera Bustamante 95779869
  • Federico Carballo
  • Pablo Farina
  • Sebastián Guckenheimer


Intussusception is an uncommon pathology seen in adults and may occur in both the small bowell and the colon. Its typical presentation makes diagnosis complex, since it lacks specific symptoms, usually manifested by difficulty and obstruction in defecation, accompanied by hematochezia and mucus from the rectum. Preoperative diagnosis continues to be a challenge for the surgeon and the optimal treatment of this condition is controversial. According to the literature, resection without reduction should be performed in adults, preserving a surgical margin when there is suspicion of malignancy.

A case of ileocecal intussusception up to the rectal ampulla due to a tubulovillous adenoma with malignant progression to an invasive well-differentiated adenocarcinoma is presented. The case was diagnosed preoperatively by multislice tomography of the abdomen. Surgical resection is performed using a converted laparoscopic approach by performing a right hemicolectomy plus isoperistaltic laterolateral ileotransverse anastomosis.

How to Cite
Cabrera Bustamante, G. E., Carballo, F., Farina, P., & Guckenheimer, S. (2024). Intususcepción ileocolorrectal. Un caso inusual. Revista Argentina De Coloproctología, 35(3).