Experience and results of laparoscopic ventral rectopexy in the treatment of rectal prolapse and rectocele

  • Mauricio Gonzalez Dorado Coloproctologo
  • Maria Sofia Labrador
  • Mariana Eusse Bencardino
  • Nelson Antonio Niño
  • Andrés Ramiro Lanza Díaz
  • Luis Eduardo Martínez
Keywords: Key words: Obstructed defecation, rectal prolapse, chronic constipation, ventral mesh rectopexy, fecal incontinence



Introduction: Rectal prolapse and rectocele are diseases that have a major impact in patient´s quality of life, associated to intestinal obstruction and fecal incontinence: the evolution of laparoscopic surgery techniques and its use in their management has improved outcomes, in terms of reproduction, complications and functional outcomes.

Objective: To describe short and middle terms outcomes for Laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy (LVMR) by coloproctology FUCS team as a treatment for rectal prolapse and rectocele between 2019 – 2023.

Methods: We performed a case series including medical records of patients with symptomatic rectocele and rectal prolapse diagnosed treated with LVMR performed between January 2019 and February 2023 by coloproctology FUCS team. We Excluded under aged patients, patients with no follow up or incomplete clinical record. We made a descriptive analysis

Outcomes: Twenty  four patients (96% female) were included in this study, ages between  38 - 84 years. Rectal prolapse was the most frequent diagnostic (62%) and 29% has previous surgical correction. The operative time was 120 min (93-180 min), we used synthetic mesh with sizes between 15 - 20 cm fixed with absorbable tackers (66%). Length of stay was 1 day, without postoperative complication. We observed an improvement in incontinence and obstructive scores from baseline after treatment. our recurrence rate was9.09%.

Conclusions:  LVMR represents a procedure with low rates of immediate complications, that improves obstructive an incontinence symptom from baseline, and present low incidence of recurrence. It is still necessary a longer time follow up of this population to evaluate long terms outcomes


How to Cite
Gonzalez Dorado, M., Labrador, M. S., Bencardino, M. E., Niño, N. A., Lanza Díaz, A. R., & Martínez, L. E. (2024). Experience and results of laparoscopic ventral rectopexy in the treatment of rectal prolapse and rectocele. Revista Argentina De Coloproctología, 35(3). https://doi.org/10.46768/racp.v35i3.264