Endometriosis pélvica extragenital como presentación de abdomen agudo obstructivo en mujer posmenopáusica. Reporte de caso

  • Brian U. Santos
  • Livia Gareis
  • Santiago Brayer
  • Matias Recchia
Keywords: colonic endometriosis, extragenitalpelvic endometriosis, deep endometriosis


Introduction: Endometriosis isthepresence of endometrial cellsoutsidetheuterinecavity, a benigndiseasethataffectsbothwomenduringthereproductiveperiod and those in postmenopause. Extragenitalpelvic endometriosis describes endometrial lesionsthatinvolvepelvicorganssuch as therectum, sigmoid, and bladder.
Clinical case: femalepatient, 71 yearsold, presents abdominal pain and changes in bowelhabits of 3 months of evolution, isadmittedwithwithclinicalpresentation of intestinal subocclusionof 5 days of evolution. Imagesreveal distal airlesswithhydro-air levels. Surgicalconduct, exploratorylaparotomy, inflammatorylesion in therectosigmainvolvingthesmallgut. Hartmann surgeryisperformed. Thepathologicalstudyreportscolonicwallwithfoci of endometriosis and adherence to theovarian and tubalparenchyma.
Conclusion: Colonic endometriosis can presentwithobstruction and be difficult to differentiatefromother causes of largebowelobstruction, such as Crohn'sdiseaseorneoplasms. Sigmoid colon involvementisthemostcommon. Preoperativediagnosis duringemergencyisdifficult and dependsonthehistologicalconfirmation of theresectedspecimen.

How to Cite
Santos, B. U., Gareis, L., Brayer, S., & Recchia, M. (2021). Endometriosis pélvica extragenital como presentación de abdomen agudo obstructivo en mujer posmenopáusica. Reporte de caso. Revista Argentina De Coloproctología, 32(03). https://doi.org/10.46768/racp.v32i03.136