Microbiome and Coloproctology: bases for understanding

  • Carlos Vaccaro Investigadores del Instituto de Medicina Traslacional e Ingeniería Biomédica (IMTIB-IU-HIBA-CONICET) y grupo de Investigación Traslacional del Microbioma (InTraMIc), Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.
  • Tamara A. Piñero Investigadores del Instituto de Medicina Traslacional e Ingeniería Biomédica (IMTIB-IU-HIBA-CONICET) y grupo de Investigación Traslacional del Microbioma (InTraMIc), Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.
Keywords: microbiome, coloproctology, colorectal cancer


The characterization of the intestinal microbiome (IMB) is a line of research that is growing exponentially given its potential impact on the prevention and treatment of highly prevalent diseases. This boom is a direct consequence of technological advances that allow for significantly more precise analyzes than traditional crop-based studies. In the specific context of colorectal cancer management, MBI emerges as a promising biomarker in the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention phases. The purpose of this editorial is to introduce coloproctologists to the subject and motivate them to deepen these concepts with the growing evidence available in the indexed literature.

How to Cite
Vaccaro, C., & Piñero, T. A. (2024). Microbiome and Coloproctology: bases for understanding. Revista Argentina De Coloproctología, 35(1). https://doi.org/10.46768/racp.v35i1.298