Multivisceral resection in advanced colon cancer. Case report of a multidisciplinary university team and review of the literature.

  • Alejandra Liz No
  • Álvaro Lavega Hospital Pasteur, Facultad de Medicina, UdelaR
  • Isabel Gabito
  • Lucía Pérez
  • Marcelo Viola
  • Marcelo Diamant
  • Nicolas Casales
  • Claudio Silveri
Keywords: locally advanced colon cancer, multivisceral resections, en bloc resection, multidisciplinary team


Abstract:  Multivisceral resections (MVR) in colorrectal cancer are complex technical


procedures. They intend curative intent by an “en bloc” resection with free margins, of the tumor and adjacent organs. A broad knowledge in anatomy and modifications caused by the tumor and coadyuvant oncological treatments is required. Numerous surgical teams may participate, including digestive surgery, urology, orthopedics, gynecology and plastic surgery besides oncology, radiotherapy, psychology and physiatry, among others.  This procedure can determinate considerable morbidity with anatomic and functional sequalae, for which patients must be strictly selectionated.


We present the case of a female patient with a left colon mucinous adenocarcinoma penetrating to the iliopsoas muscle and the anterolateral abdominal wall that required, for her treatment, a multivisceral resection including left colon, iliac muscle and crest and part of the anterolateral abdominal wall.

How to Cite
Liz, A., Lavega, Álvaro, Gabito, I., Pérez, L., Viola, M., Diamant, M., Casales, N., & Silveri, C. (2021). Multivisceral resection in advanced colon cancer. Case report of a multidisciplinary university team and review of the literature. Revista Argentina De Coloproctología, 33(02).