Colorectal cancer: Disorders of DNA repair mechanisms and their
medical implication.
Walter Hernán Pavicic
, Julieta Natalia Soarez
Instituto de Medicina Traslacional e Ingeniería Biomédica (IMTIB) Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires,
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (HIBA-IUHI-CONICET), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina.
Programa de Cáncer Hereditario (Pro.Can.He.), Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina.
All tumors, whether hereditary or sporadic, are characterized by
genetic instability (chromosomal or microsatellites instability) which
is a key mechanism that gives the cancer cell all its harmful charac-
teristics (growth advantage, migration, etc.). Although a DNA
repair-deficiency disorder that causes microsatellite instability has
historically been associated with Lynch Syndrome, this molecular
characteristic is also observed in sporadic tumors and determines
not only the prognosis but also just as relevant, the response to
new immunological therapies.
Keywords: colon cancer, Lynch Syndrome, MMR.
DNA repair mechanisms maintain genome stability by
preventing the multiplication of genetic errors, which are
caused by intracellular processes and environmental factors.
Unrepaired damage can permanently alter the genome and
cellular functions, leading to, for example, malignant trans-
formation of the cell. Several DNA repair mechanisms are
necessary to ensure genomic stability and can be divided
according to the DNA damage they repair or the associated
genetic syndromes. Elucidating these mechanisms has been
important, and researchers who carried out pioneering work
were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
When DNA damage occurs, both DNA strands can break,
causing a double-strand break, or it can be more restricted
and occur only on one DNA strand, affecting one or more
bases -nucleotides-. Due to their relevance in tumor devel-
opment, the two mechanisms studied in more detail are: (i)
homologous recombination (HR), and (ii) the mismatch
repair system (MMR). Mainly, they are associated with
hereditary syndromes that predispose to the development of
breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) or colorectal cancer
(Lynch), respectively.
Repair of DNA replication errors
Although this type of error is common during DNA replica-
tion, the stability of the genetic code is ensured by the
specialized mismatch repair mechanism, called the “MMR
system.” Briefly, the process is detailed to denote the key
MMR genes involved: the repair is initiated by the MutSa
protein complex (MSH2 + MSH6 genes) that recognizes the
error. Then, MutLa (MLH1 + PMS2 genes), together with
the enzyme that synthesizes DNA (DNA polymerase)
correct the error. Germline genetic alterations affecting
MMR gene’s function, a single allele, is associated with
Lynch syndrome (LS), an autosomal dominant genetic
disorder, and the most common inherited cause of colorectal
cancer (CRC). Carriers of pathogenic or causal alterations in
these genes also have a higher risk of developing LS-
associated cancer. This includes cancers such as endometri-
um, small intestine, stomach, pancreas and bile ducts, ovary,
brain, upper urinary tract, and skin. The incidence rate in the
general population can be as high as 1:370 and it is estimat-
ed to cause around 3% of all colon and rectal cancers. On
the other hand, congenital alterations of both alleles cause a
rare cancer syndrome known by the acronym CMMRD
(constitutional mismatch repair deficiency). Furthermore,
the MMR mechanism is altered in approximately 15% of
CRC and other non-hereditary cancers, the most common
mechanism being deficiency in the MLH1 gene function,
caused by promoter region hypermethylation and, conse-
quently, silencing of gene expression. Tumors with a defi-
ciency MMR system are called “unstable tumors.”
Lynch Syndrome Diagnosis
The suspicion of LS can be based on clinical criteria (Am-
sterdam or Bethesda) or molecular criteria (immunohisto-
chemistry or microsatellite analysis by a PCR assay). Fur-
ther details of these complementary studies exceed the
editorial focus. However, it is important to note that current-
ly a definitive LS diagnosis requires identification of a
germline genetic alteration in the MMR or in the EPCAM
genes. The analysis should cover small sequence changes
and large rearrangements (which can be achieved by DNA
sequencing plus copy number variant analysis by, for exam-
ple, MLPA study). Currently, multigene panel sequencing
test (along with MLPA) has become the most widespread
assay, compared to traditional syndrome-specific gene
testing. Ultimately, this information allows alteration carri-
ers to be referred for follow-up or surveillance in pursuit of
cancer prevention or treatment.
Implications of molecular advances in Surveillance,
Prevention and Treatment of CRC Surveillance recom-
Recent advances have allowed us to understand in more
detail the differences linked to each MMR gene and tumor
development risk. Therefore, clinical surveillance and
treatment guidelines have incorporated new specific rules
for each of these genes. For example, heterozygous PMS2
variant carriers show a low cumulative CRC incidence,
suggesting that colonoscopy surveillance might be less
stringent for this group. In both Europe and the US, new
colonoscopy surveillance recommendations for MSH6 and
PMS2 variant carriers suggest an onset at an older age.
Similarly, association of urothelial cancer with MSH2
variants is making urologic screening recommendations
more gene specific.
The authors declare no conflict of interest. Walter Pavicic: walter.pavicic@hospitalitaliano.org.ar
Pavicic W. ORCID:0000-0001-7840-4943