Figure 3. Colonoscopy. A and B. Endoscopic removal of IUD located in the rectum. C. IUD outside the rectal cavity. D. Endoscopic control after
removing the IUD.
The IUD is a safe and effective contraceptive method, with
the “T” type with copper being the most used worldwide.
possible complications include bleeding, ectopic pregnancy,
uterine perforation, infection and, less frequently, migration
or fistula formation into the digestive system. The incidence
of migration varies between 0.2 and 0.87 per 1,000 inser-
tions, although significant under-registration is recognized.
Risk factors that predispose to this complication include the
use of copper IUD, placement during lactation or less than 6
months after delivery, postpartum amenorrhea, retroverted
uterus, nulliparity, history of abortion, and limited staff
experience of the health personnel, among others.
Uterine perforation with migration is considered primary or
immediate if it occurs during IUD insertion due to penetrat-
ing injury to the myometrial tissue. However, it can also
occur secondarily or late due to gradual erosion through the
myometrium. The clinical presentation of early migration
usually manifests with sudden and intense pain and/or genital
bleeding. On the other hand, in late perforation the interval
between insertion and diagnosis can vary from days to sever-
al years, although it usually occurs during the first months
and up to a year after insertion.
Migration due to uterine perforation should be considered in
case of non-visualization of the device or its visualization
outside its normal location within the uterus, using transvagi-
nal and/or transabdominal ultrasound, as well as simple
abdominal x-ray, abdominopelvic computed tomography
with contrast or magnetic resonance imaging.
When a perforation is identified, it is recommended to re-
move it as soon as possible, regardless of the type of device
and its location. Endoscopic techniques can be used, either
colonoscopy, hysteroscopy or cystoscopy depending on the
Rectal perforation due to IUD, generally oligosymptomatic,
is rare, with few cases described in the literature. Although
rectal migration involves communication with the genital
tract, the question is whether it will lead to a fistula or not. In
the literature analyzed, no rectovaginal or rectouterine fistu-
las due to migration of the IUD have been described, alt-
hough cases of fistulas to the small intestine and colon have
been reported.
After identifying the device in the rectum, a complete endo-
scopic removal may be feasible. The type of material favors a
low reaction to foreign bodies. This condition, added to the
mostly extraperitoneal rectal anatomy, determines a usually
safe endoscopic removal, without significant injury to the
surrounding tissues and with a minimal residual fistulous
tract that is repaired spontaneously. A hole smaller than 0.5
cm can close spontaneously in these cases, however, for
larger defects the use of endoclips or plasties is described.
Perforation and rectal migration of the IUD, generally oligo-
symptomatic, is rare. It should be suspected when the device
was not removed and its uterine location is not identified.
The diagnosis is usually made by a simple X-ray or transvag-
inal ultrasound. It should be removed as soon as possible
after diagnosis, even in asymptomatic cases. Complete
endoscopic removal may be feasible and safe, and no cases
of rectal fistulas after device migration and removal have
been described in the literature.
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