Neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasia of the colon
(MiNEN): Unifying concepts
Rocío S. Pérez Domínguez MAAC, Guillermina Candia, Rosario O. Martiarena, Sergio F. Schlain MAAC
Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos San Roque, Gonnet
Neuroendocrine tumors represent 1% of all malignant neoplasms of
the digestive system, of which 14-20% correspond to the colon and
only 1-3% to the rectum. Eighty-five percent of colon neoplasms
are poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas that contain a
non-neuroendocrine component in 25-40% of cases.
An unusual clinical case with difficult preoperative diagnosis, in a
71-year-old female patient is presented. She consulted due to
change in bowel habits and abdominal pain in the left lower quad-
rant. CT scan reported a 10 cm solid mass in the rectosigmoid
colon, with multiple liver lesions compatible with metastases. Left
hemicolectomy with left salpingo-oophorectomy was performed. A
brief summary of the different names and classifications of this
entity that have occurred in recent years is presented.
Keywords: MiNEN, adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma, colorectal
The coexistence of neuroendocrine (NE) and non-
neuroendocrine (NNE) components in the same neoplasm,
or mixed NE and NNE neoplasm (MiNEN), is a well-known
but rare phenomenon. Cordier in 1924, first described the
gastrointestinal tumors containing epithelial and NE compo-
nents. Various terms have subsequently been used to de-
scribe this hybrid tumor.
Due to its dual histopathological
features, the clinical behavior of MiNEN differs from that of
NE carcinoma and classic adenocarcinoma.
NE neoplasms represent 1% of all malignant neoplasms of
the digestive system. According to a multicenter study by
the Japanese Colon and Rectal Cancer Society that analyzed
the distribution of digestive NE neoplasms, of a total of 760
patients, only 1.3% corresponded to MiNEN.
NE neoplasms of the colon represent 14 to 20%, while those
of the rectum only 1 to 3%.
Most NE neoplasms of the
colon (85%) are poorly differentiated and contain a NNE
component in 25-40% of cases, which can be an adenocar-
cinoma (45-65%), an adenoma (30-35%) or a squamous cell
carcinoma (5%). The NNE component arises from the
mucosa, while the NE component develops from a deeper
layer, which may be missed when a deep biopsy or radical
resection is not performed.
We present a rare clinical case with difficult preoperative
diagnosis, along with a brief summary of the different
names and classifications of this entity that have been
presented in recent years.
A 71-year-old female patient, with a history of hypertension
and appendectomy, consulted due to a change in bowel
habits, associated with pain in the left lower quadrant that
was relieved with defecation. On physical examination, she
had a soft abdomen, painful on deep palpation in the flank
and left iliac fossa, where a voluminous, hard stone mass
was evident, which appeared adhered to deep planes, meas-
uring approximately 7 x 5 cm. The proctological examina-
tion was normal.
Ca 19-9: 2.36 U/ml; CEA: 2.5ng/ml. Three colonoscopies
were performed, all of which showed a punctate stricture in
the sigmoid colon that prevented progression of the endo-
scope. The biopsy showed colonic mucosa with atypical
cells, without a specific histological diagnosis.
Abdominopelvic CT scan showed a 1.4 cm nodule at the
base of the right lung and focal hypodense hepatic lesions
with heterogeneous enhancement, the largest (8 cm) in the
right liver lobe, consistent with metastasis. In the left iliac
fossa, an irregular solid mass measuring approximately 10
cm was observed, compatible with an atypical lesion of the
entire colon wall (Fig, 1). Enlarged lymph nodes were seen
in the retroperitoneum, with the largest conglomerate (3.8
cm) in the left prerenal paravertebral region.
Given the progressive occlusive symptoms and the absence
of a definitive histological diagnosis, surgery is indicated.
The laparotomy revealed little free serous fluid and a volu-
minous mass in the sigmoid colon measuring 15x10 cm,
attached to deep planes. Multiple metastases in both liver
lobes, the largest measuring 12 cm. An en bloc left hemi-
colectomy with left salpingo-oophorectomy was performed
Histopathological examination informed a mixed NE and
NNE neoplasia (small cell NE carcinoma with moderately
differentiated adenocarcinoma) is observed invading adja-
cent structures (left Fallopian tube and ovary), with perineu-
ral and vascular invasion. Margins are free. Two of 12
lymph nodes have massive neoplastic infiltration. IHC:
chromogranin and synaptophysin positive in NE component.
CK20: positive in adenocarcinoma component. MiNEN,
pT4b pN1b M1 (Fig. 2).
Figure 1. Computed tomography. A. Large hypodense lesion involving the right and left hepatic lobes. B. Thickening of the sigmoid colon.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Rocío S. Pérez Domínguez: rocioperez@hotmail.com
Rocio S. Perez Dominguez: ORCID 0001-8347-0849, Guillermina Candia: ORCID 0003-2515-8923, Rosario O. Martiarena: ORCID 0001-8347-0849,
Sergio F. Schlain: ORCID 0002-5615-3503